Grade School Confidential

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The Simpsons - Season 8 - Episode 19 - Grade School Confidential
Watch The Simpsons - Grade School Confidential online

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About this "The Simpsons" episode:
The Simpsons - Grade School Confidential is the 19th episode of season 8 and number 172 overall in the series.
Seymour Skinner and Edna Krabappel strike up a conversation at a party and take a romantic interest in each other. They try to keep their affair a secret, but Bart sees them kiss. The following day the couple hears Bart telling his classmates about it and silences him by deleting his permanent records. Bart becomes their go-between for exchanging love notes, but he gets tired of that and exposes Skinner and Krabappel in the janitor's closet locked in a passionate embrace. The word spreads all over town and Superintendent Chalmers gives Skinner an ultimatum – either end the relationship or face dismissal. Skinner pretends that he is in fact a virgin and the matter is cleared up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sex cauldron ?