Father Knows Worst

The Simpsons - Season 20 - Episode 18 - Father Knows Worst
Watch The Simpsons - Father Knows Worst online

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About this Simpsons episode:
The Simpsons - Father Knows Worst is the 18th episode of season 20 and number 438 overall in the series.
In the episode, Bart and Lisa start struggling in their academic and social lives at school and Homer starts monitoring them and forcing them to do better, becoming a helicopter parent. Meanwhile, Marge discovers a sauna in the basement. This was the first episode in over eight years written by Rob LaZebnik.


Anonymous said...

3:53-4:08 Funniest Homer and Bart moment.

PPBKR said...

The line about the projects obviously being done by parents except the crap one done by Homer. Almost exactly the same thing is said in another episode where he make's Lisa's Florida costume for the school competition :D

Arrownoir said...

The best Simpsons outro